...as you all know, last weekend my "Calling all Angels, Crop for Lynn" was held with 61 croppers attending on the friday and 42 croppers attending on the saturday!!
It was a very, very busy weekend...and soooooo AHHH-MAAAAZZZ-ING to see everyone's generous efforts of prizes, food, time and support all come together for such a special person and then end with such a tremendous success!!
I have so many people that I am thankful for, for all your contributions and help to me to pull this together, and also to everyone who came in support and compassion as my friend! Everyone who knows ME, knows LYNN...she is, and has been a huge part of my life for a very long time now, and in one way or another through the years, you have come to know her too.
I was super excited at my visit this past wednesday with Lynn to share the surprise with her of this fundrasier crop and its success...she was delighted and overjoyed in excitement....it was a recognition that this is a gift of more time for her to be in the familiar comforts of her own home during her journey with terminal lung cancer.
The total funds that were raised at my crop was $3,200.00!!!!!!!!!!
I will be assisting her with overnight care starting next weekend along with one other friend of Lynns, and with the funds raised, it will help to afford an overnight aide from her current home care agency to fill in the nights that there is no friend available!! This is truly a gift to Lynn....
So thank you once more with all my heart to each and everyone of you for participating and joining me in this most valuable fundraiser for my friend!!!!
...and thank you to courtney who joined us friday night for a few hours in her highland costume to help serve coffee and tea to everyone...
another HUGE thank you to sweet, sweet Jan Carleton for her amazing efforts and contribution to providing our friday night group with a unique and delicious snack...it was sooooo good!!!
...and to Tara for her fabulous and yummy cupcakes...
and to Louise for her awesome peanut butter cookies...
and to Ashley for her scrumptious puffed wheat cake...
and again to Jan for the banana bread / mini donuts, cookies and brownie trays!!!
...i had HUGE kitchen help saturday morning with the helping hands of my Mom, Syrella, Becky and Grace all pitching in to cut up and prepare fresh fruit and muffins for our yummy morning snack!!
...Our morning snack and afternoon snack was contributed by so many of my friends...and all the bits and pieces came together as a wonderful treat for everyone!!
...and I must, must MUST give one more huge thanks to my friend Allsion Pauls ( owner of Scrapyard - Stonewall, Mb ) for all her wonderful little extra giveaway prizes, her paper pack door prizes, her fun little mini album give away on friday night, and her awesome auction prize of a Zutter Bind-it-all machine.....and let's not forget the 25% of her store sales from over the weekend as well!!!!
I have lots of thank you cards to write but they won't truly be enough gratitude to you ALL for everything you have done!!
I love you guys!!!
( and will have ALL the photos to share at the next crop! )
...the day after the 2 day crop - sunday - was an exciting day for tyler!
he was bowling in a team tournament he had qualified to be a part of and his team WON first place!
it's called the Four Steps to Stardom tournament ( he bowls 5 pin in the YBC league - 2 years now )
anyway....the winning team advances on to Provincials now...which will be held March 3 & 4th at Polo Park lanes..
if his team wins Provinicials, they move on to Nationals which is being held in Newfoundland this spring!!
( one step at a time...)
here's his winning team and coach, Lynn, at the tournament last sunday!
...and valentine's day proved to be an adventurous day for the griffin household...
( aside from rushing to make cupcakes for tyler's classroom first thing that morning...)
..after school, the kids asked to play outside on our backyard skating rink, as they do daily...
but around 445, and while poor Chirstina was here picking up her prize she won at the crop, the back door burst open with tyler standing in the doorway, hysterically crying and shouting "MOOOOOOMMMMM"...
he had blood pouring from his face, smeared all over, dripping all over his beautiful WOOL jacket, and spotting all over the floor in front of him!!
His first hockey stick in the face....
= his second trip to the hospital emergency room ever, both compliments of his sister!!
BUT...no stitches ( whew ) some surgical glue tape and a pat on the back for being brave!
And a week long shiner from courtney...gee.whiz.
...at the end of the night, it still ended in a somewhat "happy valentines day"...
everyone survived!
...oh...and i also have something scrappy to share with you too!!
here's a layout i made a couple weeks ago for tyler ( still have to make courtney's )
...it was very important to me to document the relationship each of the kids had with my Grandma ( Nana ) who sadly passed away last summer.
i wrote him a letter about a lot of fun and happy stories that were just about him and her...and how much she treasured having tyler in her life...
i love how it turned out, and i thank the very talented Marcy Penner again for her inspiration on including a letter or note in a layout...here's what i came up with!
...thanks for hangin' in for this long catch up post!!!
...be back soon...