Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hi and a layout...

from oliver

...and tyler's exciting after school news yesterday was he passed his first 'recorder test' in music
and received his 'white belt' from his teacher!!

...and i had some fun company last night for supper and scrappin' from my mom, tara and grams...
we had a lovely quiet and productive evening.
i worked on layouts, and actually got two done
(well, they are both very similar as one is for C's book and the other for T's book, of the same event...)
i got my inspiration off the ever-fabulous gallery over at Studio Calico...

(for tyler)

(and a LITTLE different for courtney) back soon...
(taking pic's to post my 30 day photo challenge!! )


  1. Love love love! Such fun and funky LO's!
    P.S. Hi, Oliver!

  2. Great layouts, Kim! I really like the placement of your elements, with the bulk on the lower right-hand side and a little bit in the opposite corner-- very pleasing to the eye!

  3. loving the splatters!! Love love love!!!
