Tuesday, November 15, 2011

a thought...

...thought for the day, especially when i get frustrated on
'what to make for supper tonight?'
with a picky eater son.....

don't you just feel like this somedays?? 
our kitchens are not restaurants, afterall!!!!

HAHAHAHA...thanks Sasha Farina for sharing this pin,
it made my day, while thinking about dinner planning...

...be back soon...


  1. Thank goodness John and taylor eat just about anything I put in front of them!!! Giggle especially John!!!!...xoxoxo Nikki

  2. I LOVE, LOVE this quote. The odd time I make the kids a different dish then ours, ie if we are eating something too spicy or definately know they will not eat. Other then that they eat what they are served or no bed night snack and they go to bed hungry....which has yet to happen :)

    I think the worst though is when I really dont know what to make and I ask Darren to which he either replies pizza or what ever you choose is fine...urgh :(

